
Friday 2 January 2015

A New Year has dawned!

So a New Year is upon us, and my dear was it a year of film, excitement over watching and creating new film as well as seeing some movies that made me laugh with embarrassment. I thought I would right a little 'Happy New Year' post to all my readers (which is probably, at it's maximum, 5 people) so that you can all look forward to the year of an odd number and all the (hopefully) great stuff that it will bring along with it. Also, I would like to thank you for reading my here, there, and everywhere posts, and trying to understand my more than likely dodgy sentence structure and get over the bad punctuation and grammar that I probably use, you guys are well nice.

I hope to do my first video review of the new collectors edition version of Nekromantik by Arrow films some when in the next week or so, which will be an interesting adventure into the World of video reviews. Hopefully my first go at video reviewing will go well, and if not, any feed back (constructive would be best) would be muchly appreciated. 

Until then, have a great weekend of cool, chilling times, and don't forget to binge watch all the cool DVD's or Blu Rays that you got over Jesus' Birthday. 


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