
Friday 26 September 2014

A Small Review: Lucy

Thanks to Cineworld for giving us unemployed tight arses a chance to go and see a film they think look half decent in the trailers (No sponsorship, I assure you). Because of the half price Tuesday deal I went along to the cinema with my best friend and her other BF's to see this  film as a late birthday treat for her. 

So the film began with a more than entertaining start of gunshots, scary men and Scarlett Johansson's erect nipples (the thing that put a cherry on top of the metaphorical ice cream of the beginning of the film)...  The plot was viable, the visuals were fucking stunning! Seeing Johansson turn from a mousy student to a bad ass father fu*ker was great and sort of inspiring. 

About half way though, the plot, visuals and action sort of... How can I put it? Goes kaput. It all actually disintegrates when half of Johansson's face slides around, which inturn started the roller coaster ride of trying not to laugh at random odd visuals in a packed out Cinema. 

This is sooo not a bad version of Johansson's eye falling action in the film. NOPE.

I can't say that the random visuals of her slidy face, slow motion killing and uncanny visual effects didn't keep me entertained, because it did, I just can't believe how the raring, action packed first half turned into such a surreal and almost boring end that it did. The weird but wonderful thing is that even though the plot/visual dwindle, unlike other half way bad films, the plot still makes sense! However, the ending really just leaves you wanting more, in fact it was such an anticlimax for me and my friends that I just had to laugh.I must also express that throughout the film the acting was brilliant, and just for that I think this film will no doubt be awarded at least one award then the film award season rolls around.

So if you love Johansson, Morgan Freeman, girls kicking male arses and sci-fi cinema you'll love Lucy, just remember to revel in action that is in the first 50 mins of the film, and change your action hats to science ones for the more brainy side of the last 40 mins of the film. Also, if you don't laugh at her eye socket falling down her face, then you are a better person than I am.

Until next time, 


*I say this now, I put these reviews on here firstly for a log for my cinema outings/film watches so I can keep a visual bank of everything I have seen this year. Secondly, my reviews should only aid you and your choices when you decide to watch a film, and should not make you believe that a film will not be good or bad just because I say so (This disclaimer is here as I have been recently reading Kevin Smith's 'Tough Sh*t' and there is a bit in there that made me realise how much my words could potentially harm film/film makers/future film people.... Or something.) If you have a dream to make a film/direct/screenwrite, in the words of Arnie: DO EITTTTT!

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